JD Workshop
Theme: Design in Environmental Society - An Attactive Image of Life
11 September1998
Osamu Ishiyama, Syuya Kaneko, Haruto Kobayashi, Kuniaki Tamura, Yukio Sakoda
Theme: Administrative Reform and Design
12 December at : Takeshiba
Kenji Ekuan, Akira Tamura, Hirishi Takeuchi, Seiichi Mizuno,
Tomoko Inukai
Theme: Children and Design
17 June at : National Children's Castle, 1 August 1997 at : Living Design Center
Kiyoshi Awazu, Shinichi Takemura and 30 members
Theme: Design and Education
30 August1996, 27 September 1996 at : Takeshiba
Hiroshi Sano and 20 members
Japan Institute of Design,
San Ai Bldg, 2F 3-30-14 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 81-3-5958-2155 Fax: 81-3-5958-2156

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