Japan Institute of Design: Activity
1. Research Program |
Proposals are drawn up for sustained research activities and appropriate program nuclei, through free mutual and cooperative discussion among the various fields of design involved in high urgency social projects.
1 Open Symposium
2 JD Forum
3 JD Workshop
4 Multi Theme Forum
5 JD Symposium
2. International Exchange
Promotion of personnel exchange among related groups in all countries of the world; of planning and carrying out of information exchange projects in all countries of the world; and of exchange through linkage and cooperation in design activities in all countries of the world.
1 JD Saloon
3. Public Information Programs
Publishing of members journals; provision of information to all media; carrying out of plans for all types of publications; and dispatching of design information through international networks.
1 Publication
2 News Letter: VOICE OF DESIGN
Japan Institute of Design
San Ai Bldg, 2F 3-30-14 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 81-3-5958-2155 Fax: 81-3-5958-2156
