Design for the World '99 Tokyo Symposium


Opening speech: Liberated Design
Kenji Ekuan

Presentation: From Establishment to Action Plan of Design for the World
Mai Felip

Keynote Speech: Design for the World's Point of View on World and Design
Augusto Morello

Commemorative Speech: World Issues for the 21st Century
Yoshio Hatano

Message: Andre Ricard

Session Keynote: Design for the World, Its Vision and Mission
David Grossman

Session A: Discover, Define, Design: A New Methodology for Proactive Design
Panelist: Alexander Manu / Marianne Frandesen / Osamu Ishiyama
Coordinator: Eiko Ohya

Session B: From World Problems to Design Solutions
Panelist: Des Laubscher / Fritz Frenkler / Guy Schockaert / Atsuko Kamoshida
Coordinator: Seiichi Mizuno

Session C: Action Plan of World Design
Panelist: Robert Blaich / Antonio Puig / Akira Tamura
Coordinator: Noriji Sato

Design for the World Methoodology

Index I Policies II Organizer I DW I Speakers