Founding Purposes
As we approach the close of this century and the beginning of the next, we find broad-ranging changes taking place in a wide variety of fields including those of culture, sociology, and economics. In spite of the brilliant development that the industrial society is aiming toward for the twentieth century, and even due to sudden development in some areas, we are faced today with a large number of gigantic design problems including those of the environment and natural disasters.
The Japan Institute of Design was founded for the purpose of responding to the demands of the times in terms of reorganization of the organizational structure in order to deal more effectively with such problems of the times in a search for more truly desirable, rich, and beautiful things for the enhancement of human daily life and to create a more vivid life culture for the future.
The Japan Institute of Design is an organization that strives to achieve interdisciplinary solidarity among such fields as technology, sociology, the humanities, and the natural sciences with design as their common denominator, in both Japan and on the international scene. Through both deepening and clarifying the various specialized fields, while at the same time working toward a synthesization of those specialized fields that have become too fragmented, this organization works toward effective dealing with the larger problems that cannot be solved by these individual specialized fields on their own.
The Japan Institute of Design was thus founded to serve as an active mother body for finding creative solutions to a broad range of projects, for providing proposals on policy for approaching the various problems, and for promotion of development of cultural projects.
Activity Aims
Contribution to the formulation of a truly rich life culture for both Japan and the entire world through carrying out of discussions that traverse the boarders of both the various fields of design and of other areas of speciality to make proposals and take action toward the solution of today's problems.
Development of organized activities with the actual power derived from active linkage with industry, government, and citizens' groups.
Active dealing with problems that require international and interdisciplinary collaboration including the global environment, history and culture, natural disasters, and developing countries.
Efforts toward the structuring and the dissemination of design concepts appropriate to the demands of the times.
Efforts toward the development of design promotion and design education for the general public for the formulation of a new design culture.
And through efforts in these directions, the Japan Institute of Design strives to develop a vision of a rich civilization, hand in hand with the people of both today and tomorrow.
Outline of Programs
1. Research Program
Proposals are drawn up for sustained research activities and appropriate program nuclei, through free mutual and cooperative discussion among the various fields of design involved in high urgency social projects.
Research Subjects
The global environment; history and culture; natural disaster countermeasures; qualitative enhancement of the housing environment;fresh reorganization of the traffic and communication systems; Dealing with the aged and the socially impaired; design education for thenurturing of personnel for future generations; utilization and preservationof intellectual property rights and design resources.
Activity Morphology Salons;
symposia and seminars; workshops; counselling services; research (self-initiated and commissioned); etc.
2. Honor Programs
Honoring the results of research and other activities that make remarkable contributions in line with the cultural significance of design, as well as the drawing up of standards for evaluation of such activities and the dissemination of those standards.
3. International Exchange<
Promotion of personnel exchange among related groups in all countries of the world; of planning and carrying out of information exchange projects in all countries of the world; and of exchange through linkage and cooperation in design activities in all countries of the world.
4. Public Information Programs
Publishing of members journals; provision of information to all media; carrying out of plans for all types of publications; and dispatching of design information through international networks.
Organization and Administration
1. Board of Directors: an organ that is responsible for carrying out of the programs
Chairman : organ representative
Directors : office work and financial investigation
Councilors : question the board of directors
Advisors : specialized advice
2. Secretariat: general administration
Secretary-General, etc.
Organizers: assistance for general execution of programs
3. Project: promotion of individual programs
Teams are set up for promotion of programs on such specific topics as research, honors, international exchange, education, publicity, etc.
Membership ( fees )
Individual membership
entrance fee 3,000 yen
annual membership fee 30,000 yen
Organization membership
entrance fee 50,000 yen
annual membership fee 500,000 yen

Kenji Ekuan Industrial Designer
Director General
Seiichi Mizuno Social Marketer
Osamu Ishiyama Architect, Prof. Waseda Univ.
Tomoko Inukai Critic
Eiko Ohya Journalist
Atsuko Kamoshida Industrial Designer, Exective Director, The Kyoyo-Hin Foundation
Kiyonori Kikutake Architect
Haruto Kobayashi Landscape Architect
Yukio Sakoda Industrial Designer, Prof. Shizuoka Univ. of Art and Culture
Noriji Sato Prof. Ritsumeikan Univ. Environmental Design Institute.
Hiroshi Sano Creative Director
Masakzu Taniguchi Marketing Consultant
Kuniaki Tamura CHUGOKU HAKUHODO Inc.
Keiko Torigoe Soundscape Designer, Prof. Univ. of the Sacred Heart
Kiyoharu Fujimoto GK Design Group Inc.
Kunio Sano Industrial Designer
Akira Tamura Urban Planner
Managing Director & Secretary General
Masato Isaka
Hiroshi Ueki Former Commissioner for Cultural Affairs ,
Shinji Fukukawa Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ,
Dentsu Institute for Human Studies
Shuichirou Yamanouchi President, National Space Development Agency of Japan
Hiroyuki Yoshikawa President, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Andrea Branzi Industrial Designer
Jocelyn de Noblet Design Critic
Kenneth Grange Industrial Designer
Ezio Manzini Industrial Designer
Alexander Manu Industrial Designer
Earl Powell President , The Design Management Institute
Peter Lawrence< Chairman , Corporate Design Foundation
Paul Hogan European Institute for Design and Disablity Chairman of Tokyo Creative Commitee