Event Schedule
JD Forum
Minus Design 2
- Public Design Management
22. June. 2007 at :Maison Franco-Japonaise Hall〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Forum
Minus Design
- Poor Design- Unconsciously Ugly Landscape
9. June. 2006 at :Maison Franco-Japonaise Hall〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Forum
Design for the Disaster
18. June. 2005 at :Tokyo Bunka Kaikan〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD International Symposium
Theme: Design in the Motorized Society 8
- Commemorating the Publication- Re-Design of the Motorized Socity , Proposals for Mobility In the Near Future
26. Novemberber 2004 at : International House of Japan〔Tokyo〕
〔Languages French-Jananese〕
JD Forum
Theme: Design in the Motorized Society 7 - Social Design in the Motorized Society
31. Octerber 2003 at : Maison franco-japonaise〔Tokyo〕
〔Languages French-Jananese〕
JD Forum
Theme: Design for a Water 3- Mobility of Water City "Hiroshima"-Designing to Link
28 Feb. 2003 at: Memorial Museum, Peace Memorial Hall〔Hiroshima〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Roundtable Forum
Theme: Design for a Motorized Society 6- Points to be including in the Final Proposals
4 Feb. 2003 at: International House of Japan〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Symposium
Theme: Design for a Motorized Society 5- - The Future of Urban Mobility - French Scenario
27 September. 2002 at: Maison franco-japonaise〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Forum
Theme: Design for a Motorized Society 4- Points to be including in the Final Proposals
26 July. 2002 at: Lutheran Ichigaya Center〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Roundtable Forum
Theme: Design for a Water 2- Interfacing Human and Water
7 June. 2002 at: International House of Japan〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Forum
Theme: Design for a Water 1- Aesthetics of the Water and the Water-Landscape at Kyoto
18 January 2001 at: Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry〔Kyoto〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Forum
Theme: Design for a Motorized Society 3- Mobility Design in an Aged Society
21 October 2001 at: Japan Education Center〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Forum
Theme: Design for a Motorized Society 2- Safety and Environmental Technologies
28 July 2001 at: International House of Japan〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
JD Forum
Theme: Design for a Motorized Society 1- Changing Cosumpition Society
1st June 2001 at: International House of Japan〔Tokyo〕
〔Language Jananese〕
Japan Institute of Design,
San Ai Bldg, 2F 3-30-14 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 81-3-5958-2155 Fax: 81-3-5958-2156
